2018 LocAl Legends GALA
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Boulder Jewish Community Center
Come as Your Favorite Rock Star!
BCAP’s Local Legends Gala recognizes outstanding “Local Legends” who have made a historic difference in the lives of those affected by HIV. This year, BCAP is honored to present KBCO 97.3FM as our sole Local Legend on the occasion of their 30th Anniversary. Ketul Arnold will be honored with the Don Holloway Award for Distinguished Volunteer Service.
This event provides a fun and engaging cocktail reception, silent and live auction, special appeal, keynote speaker and sit-down dinner with elegant wine pairings.
Be ready to rock and roll!
The 2018 Local Legends Gala will take place on Sunday, October 21, 2018 at the lovely Jewish Community Center in Boulder. Click below for information and tickets. Click the sponsorship button for information about sponsorships for the Local Legends Gala.
Thank you for supporting the mission of the Boulder County AIDS Project.