HIV Care Services
Our goal at Boulder County AIDS Project is to ensure access to HIV care
and improve the quality of life for people infected with or affected by HIV.
We aim to help clients stabilize and maintain their health. We recognize physical health is connected to emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. We understand when basic needs such as food and shelter are not met, it is difficult to remain healthy. As a result, we look at health and the individual as a whole.
Our role is to work with clients to help them identify, prioritize, and meet a variety of needs. Individuals create their own wellness plan for creating a healthy standard of living. Case Managers are here to assist as needed and appropriate for the client.
Our client services include:
Medical case management
Medical referrals
List of community resources
Nutritional support
Health insurance information
Emotional support
Practical help
Limited financial assistance
Information and support for friends and family members
BCAP is a safe place where clients can access services without judgment on the basis of their race/ethnicity, immigration status, socioeconomic status, religion, lifestyle, sexual orientation, gender identity, or past/current drug use. We invite you to have open, honest communication with us at all times.
Case Management
The objective of HIV Care Services is to ensure access to HIV care and improve the quality of life for people living with or affected by HIV. BCAP provides medical case management, emotional support, practical help, and limited financial assistance to its HIV+ clients. With your approval, your friends and family members can also receive information and emotional support.
Case managers help identify and prioritize your current needs. We are able to give you information about local healthcare providers (HIV specialty and primary care), access to medication, insurance information, referrals to resources within BCAP and the community, assistance in filing applications, practical information, advocacy and emotional support. Your needs and progress are monitored over time.
Case managers work to support individuals toward self-sufficiency through education and empowerment. Through assessment, planning, referral and monitoring, case managers assist you to develop tools to reach your own unique potential and reach your goals.
Access to Medical Care
BCAP medical case managers work with a variety of medical providers throughout the Denver/Boulder metro area, including but not limited to Beacon Center for Infectious Disease, Longmont’s Mountain View Clinic, University Hospital’s Infectious Disease Clinic, and the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center in Denver.
Beacon Center for Infectious Disease
BCAP maintains a strong working relationship with Boulder Community Health’s Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases — BCID. A monthly care consultation is held between care staff and medical providers to ensure good communication and that the highest quality of care is provided to patients of the clinic and agency.
To contact BCID, please call 303.415.8850. Medical services also provided in Spanish.
To access Health Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started.
Insurance SERVICES
Insurance Services provide the most current information about health coverage options and financial assistance available to community members living with HIV and/or AIDS.
BCAP’s Insurance Services offers the following:
Certified Connect for Health Colorado Health Coverage Guides with specialized training for PLWHA and LGBT
Help with private health insurance applications, financial assistance and plan selection
Help with PEAK Medicaid application process
Enrollment in the CO ADAP to help pay for your health insurance, bills, and medications
Help navigating complex medical systems, processes, and provider networks
Answers to your questions about medical benefits and coverage
Referrals to other resources in the community
As of January 1st, 2014, under the Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare and health care reform), no U.S. citizen will be denied health insurance coverage based on a pre-existing condition. To find out more about your options and the latest information in health care, contact BCAP today!
To access Insurance Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started.
financial asSistance
The Financial grants may be available to clients who are living with HIV who have urgent needs that their regular income cannot cover. In order to receive emergency financial assistance you must have a current proof of residence, proof of income, proof of insurance, a current budget and proof of the expense you are asking to be covered. Access to emergency financial assistance and/or housing is limited by grant eligibility requirements. Each request is considered on a case by case basis.
Eligibility for our financial assistance is based on Colorado Ryan White guidelines. Finally, since Ryan White funding is required to be “dollars of last resort,” Case Managers must first assist clients in finding alternate sources of assistance when available.
Emergency financial assistance is available for the following services:
Medical and Dental Care Costs
Utility Assistance
To access Financial Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started.
housing assistance
Affordable housing is limited in Boulder County. Your Case Manager can assist you with information about local homeless shelters, transitional housing, and applying for subsidized housing in our communities.
BCAP may also be able to help eligible clients with emergency rental assistance in order to prevent eviction.
To access Housing Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started
​Good nutrition is vital to maintaining stable health for persons with HIV. BCAP maintains a supply of groceries available free to clients whose income makes it hard or impossible for them to maintain a healthy diet. Learn more about our Food Pantry here.
If your income meets our eligibility requirements, you can receive a supplement to your regular grocery shopping twice a month. Case management staff can also refer you to other area food banks, community meals, as well as help you fill out the necessary paperwork for obtaining food stamps, in the event you qualify for this program.
To access Food Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started.
pro bono services
Professional services
BCAP can refer you to local professionals who are sensitive to HIV-related issues and who offer services for a reduced fee or for no fee at all.
Services available include therapeutic bodywork, acupuncture treatments, legal services, and psychotherapy. If you are in need of support services such as substance abuse counseling, risk reduction counseling, or mental health services let your case manager know. We are committed to connecting you to services which address the needs of the newly diagnosed, as well as the needs of those who have been living with HIV for many years..
To access Pro Bono Services at BCAP, please contact your Case Manager or inquire with the Care Services department. If you are new to BCAP, call 303.444.6121 to fill out a Request for Care Services and get started.