Alex Sierra has a long history of volunteering with BCAP. He has diligently served two full terms on the Board of Directors (totaling 6 years), and is currently taking a one year break from the
Board now, only because the bylaws stipulate that he must.
Alex plans to rejoin the Board, as soon as the bylaws allow. In the meantime, he continues to be a BCAP volunteer whose presence you can count on.
He says “It means a lot to him to be involved in a very important cause in our community. The stigma is not over and we still have work to do.”
As a member of Atlas, BCAP’s HIV-Prevention program working to create a future where HIV transmission is rare, Alex feels there’s been a lot of work done on raising awareness of HIV over the years.
Alex also sits on BCAP’s Development Committee, which is works on fundraising. Alex is resourceful and works hard to bring people and financial support to BCAP. He’s participated in the Kohl’s Volunteer Program since he started working for that company 15 years ago, and he’s been the liaison to that program. We really appreciate Alex connecting Kohls and BCAP.
Alex’s life outside of his volunteer work with BCAP is also very full. He works an early morning shift at Kohls, teaches voice and piano lessons to students aged 6 to 75, performs as a professionally trained singer at concerts, Operas, recitals, etc., hits the gym regularly for a cardio routine to benefit his singing, and squeezes in the occasional movie.
Alex says it’s all about planning. When he needs to choose between two events at the same time, he chooses the one that involves people he sees less frequently, because “You never know! I spread myself thinly to see more of the people I care about.”
But “spread thinly” is not a concept one associates with Alex. He brings a calm energy and bright smile and is fully engaged wherever he goes.