Register to Walk with Team BCAP at AIDS Walk Colorado on August 17 2019!

Join Team BCAP for AIDS Walk Colorado on Saturday August 17 at Cheesman Park in Denver!
Festival for Life & 5K Walk/Run: AIDS Walk Colorado is the Rocky Mountain region’s oldest one-day HIV and AIDS fundraiser. For over thirty years, thousands of people from across Colorado have joined together as a community to raise money for organizations that provide vital services to people living with or at risk of acquiring HIV.
In addition to the traditional 5K Walk/Run, the Festival features live entertainment, food trucks, a beer garden, and family-friendly activities. As part of the day’s storied tradition, we will display panels from The Names Project – AIDS Memorial Quilt, an act of remembrance for all affected by HIV/AIDS.
BCAP’s goal this year is to raise a total of $10,000 for HIV services in Colorado. Register with Team BCAP now and invite your friends and family to join you! For help setting up your fundraising page and tips on fundraising, email Sarah, BCAP's Development Director.
To Register for Team BCAP:
1. Click here
2. Click on blue box that says "Join This Team" (located on the upper right side of page)
3. Select a “Registration Level” (as runner, walker, virtual walker, and/or diva dash)
4. Select “Me” in answer to "Who is registration for?" and click “Next”
5. Enter your information
6. When asked "Would You Like to Join or Create a Team?" click “Yes”
7. Type in or select “Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) (Sarah Annecone)”
8. Complete personal information, including shirt size
All registered Team BCAP members who raise $150 or more (visible on Team BCAP's page) will be entered into a drawing for a prize with a $100 value!
If you’d like to walk but not fundraise--we would very much love to have your company at AIDS Walk and would still appreciate you registering!