2020 Kickoff Meeting
Throughout the year, Atlas core group meetings can range from social mixers to health & wellness activities to educational workshops, but...

Anal Health Presentation
Last night, Atlas members were excited to learn about anal health and how we can all better protect ourselves. Thank you to Jeffrey...

2019 Year In Review
2019 was another great year for Atlas promoting HIV awareness and prevention. From Atlas’ sold-out Big Top to workshops on sex worker...

Introducing Atlas' New Work Study Students
We are excited to introduce you to our CU Work Study students and Atlas members, Kainoa Cunningham and Natalie Gonzalez! In addition to...

Longmont Pridefest
Not even the rain could damper our spirits yesterday! We had a great time at Out Boulder County's Longmont Pridefest educating attendees...

Fun at Longmont Pridefest
Out Boulder County's Longmont Pridefest was a fabulous day! Atlas members were busy promoting HIV awareness, testing, PrEP, safer sex, &...

June 27: National HIV Testing Day
Each year on June 27, Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) observes National HIV Testing Day, by uniting with health departments and...

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month
May is designated as Hepatitis Awareness Month in the US. BCAP, along with other public health partners across the state, is working to...